To stay and to move.
There were two main fundaments in Lo Castillo Square architectonical proposal.
The first one was the transformation of this huge empty space boosting it as a memorable urban square in Santiago, especially in Vitacura Avenue, the main circulation axe of this district.
The idea is to pass through Vitacura connecting Lo Castillo square with El Mañio walk proposing several umbrellas which provide both shadow during the day and artificial illumination during the night.
In this way we created a place to stay, an encounter place, a place able to host temporal exposition and activities. A place thought for the pedestrian use but still permeable for vehicular transit. An architectonical space which relates the human scale with the urban context.
The urban space treatment with its geometry and trees invites people sometimes to gather between themselves and sometimes to separate them. They can stay in the shadow of the square or pass to the underground floor where is the terrace with café and shops, connected with the square through a big empty space which frame the sky and permits the natural light to reach the underground level.
This operation creates an attractive architectonic space with alternation of empty and full spaces relates with its own geometry and its diagonals which articulate the functions.