Centro Cívico Lo Barnechea has been exhibited in the Exposición 130 años ARQ UC, Chile.
Gonzalo Mardones V. will participate in the seminar “Wood: the future we build together” organized by the Instituto Forestal, supported by CORFO. The seminar will take place on December 12, 2024, in San Pedro de La Paz, Concepción, Chile.
Jardín Infantil Bambú has been selected to be exhibited in the Wooden Latin American Architecture Exhibition at the XVIII Seminario de Arquitectura Latinoamericana, Chiloé (Chile), December 3 – 7, 2024.
Colegio Humboldt starts construction in Matanzas, Chile.
Jardín Infantil Bambú has been part of the Architecture Exhibition at Encuentros Estucturales. Santiago de Chile, September 27 – 28, 2024.
Centenario Building has been selected for the exhibition of the 19 Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura de BuenosAires. October 9 – 13, 2024.
La Red de Bienales de Arquitectura de Latinoamérica ha presentado los 20 proyectos seleccionados en la Quinta Edición del Premio Oscar Niemeyer para la Arquitectura Latinoamericana – Premio ON 05 2024.
Los 20 proyectos seleccionados, entre los que se encuentra el Jardín Infantil Bambú, estarán expuestos en la la Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura de Buenos Aires, del 9 al 13 de octubre en el Faena Art Center.
Cristales DIALUM ha anunciado el proyecto para su nueva planta en Ave Maria, Florida, cuyo diseño estará a cargo de nuestro taller.
Por segundo año consecutivo Gonzalo Mardones V. será el Director del Concurso Obras de Arquitectura en Madera Corma 21, en el contexto de la Semana de la Madera, que se realizará del 2 al 6 de octubre de 2024 en Santiago de Chile.
En conjunto con Najas Arquitectos (Ecuador), hemos sido finalistas del Concurso Internacional de Ideas para el Nuevo Campus del Colegio Americano de Quito.
Bambu Kindergarten has been featured in Arquitectura Viva nº 254.
200 BEST C_Guide Fundación Arquitectura Contemporánea
Jardín Infantil Bambú entre las 200 obras más significativas de la arquitectura contemporánea elegidas por la C.guide
La selección representa “las vías más relevantes y esperanzadoras de la práctica arquitectónica contemporánea”
La C.guide es una guía interactiva de arquitectura contemporánea, desarrollada por la Fundación Arquitectura Contemporánea con el patrocinio de Cosentino.
La CASALEMA shortlisted in PIPA Porcelanosa International Projects Awards 2023.
Bambu kindergarten has been featured in C3 magazine, Korea. Also, the magazine includes and interview by editor Michèle Woodger with Gonzalo Mardones V.
Gonzalo Mardones V. has been included into the AD100 list 2023 by mexican Architectural Digest magazine.
10 Barbara Cappochin International Biennial Architecture
Jardín Infantil Bambú has been exhibited in the 10 Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura Barbara Cappochin, Padua, Italy.
VI Concurso de Obras de Arquitectura / Semana de la Madera 2022
Jardín Infantil Bambú has been awarded with the Fist Prize in the VI Concurso de Obras de Arquitectura, organized by Madera 21, Chile.
18 Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura de Buenos Aires
Jardín Infantil Bambú has been awarded with the Premio Bienal in the Public Equipment Category.
18 Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura de Buenos Aires
El Jardín Infantil Bambú ha sido ganador del Premio Bienal en la categoría Equipamiento Público. Por su parte, el Memorial UC ha sido parte de la selección de la Bienal.
100 Best House Latinamerica 2020 A y D Uruguay
CASAJUVE has been selected into the 100 Best Houses Latinamerica 2020 by A y D magazine, Uruguay.
Faith and Form Awards
The Mausoleum for President Aylwin has won an award from Faith & Form and Interfaith Design in the Sacred category. The project will be featured in the Faith & Form magazine and exhibited at the AIA Conference on Architecture 2020 in LA next May.
Office Design Architecture Today
Terraza Offices and Lo Barnechea City Hall have been featured in Office Design book by Booq Publishing, Barcelona.
XVII Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura de Buenos Aires
Casa Tru and Mausoleum for President Aylwin has been selected for the Buenos Aires International Architecture Bienal.
TRAMA magazine 153, Ecuador
House RP has been featured in TRAMA magazine 153, Ecuador.
Architecture. Form, Space & Order / Memorial 9
The book “Architecture. Form, Space & Order”, by Francis D. K. Ching, has included the Memorial 9 in the fourth edition. In the picture, the Spanish edition by Editorial Gustavo Gili.
Magazine AOA 40 / Capilla Todos los Santos
AOA Magazine featured Capilla Todos los Santos, Talcahuano.
Experiencia Detonante III UDD / Workshop
Gonzalo Mardones Arquitectos has participated in the `Experiencia Detonante III 2019′ Workshop, by Universidad del Desarrollo and AOA Asociación de Oficinas de Arquitectos.
2019 THE PLAN Awards / Finalist
The Lo Barnechea City Hall and Saint George Gymnasium are finalists of the The Plan awards 2019, organized by the italian magazine The Plan, in Public Space and Sport & Leisure categories.
2019 MIPIM / THE ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW Future Projects Awards
Gonzalo Mardones Arquitectos received the MIPIM / The Architectural Review Future Projects Award for the ongoing project Piscina Municipal de Lo Barnechea, as the winner in the Sports and Stadiums projects category. The prestigious publication presented the award at their annual event held during MIPIM, the international property conference on March 13th, 2019. The award event took place at the JW Marriott, Cannes, France. The MIPIM / Architectural Review Future Project Awards honours architectural excellence in unbuilt or incomplete projects around the globe selected across 11 categories.
The jury said: “This well-presented swimming pool shows what can be achieved through simple but striking architectural form, making a significant contribution to its locality.”
Architecture Highlights 10 China
The book ‘Architecture Highlights 10´published an extended selection of 18 architectural firms’ projects, including 5 Gonzalo Mardones’ projects: Centro de las Tradiciones, Hotel Hornitos, Casa Marcelo Rios, Casa MO and Terraza Offices.
International Real Estate Meeting, 2018, Argentina
Gonzalo Mardones V. will participate, on the 15th of November, at the 2018 Real Estate International Meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Prix Versailles 2018 / Francia
Porcelanosa Santiago Store has been awarded with the Prix Versailles 2018, World Special Prize for an exterior, Shops Category.
XX Architecture Biennial Catalogue – Chile
Capilla Totihue in the Catalogue of the XX Chilean Architecture Biennial.
Invited Professor at U. Mayor Master Program
Gonzalo Mardones V. have been invited as Professor in the Universidad Mayor ‘Advanced Architecture’ Master Program in Santiago de Chile.
XVI Concrete Meeting in Colombia
Gonzalo Mardones V. will give two lectures at the XVI Reunion del Concreto, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.
10 Best Cultural Building of The Year Azure Magazine Canada
Azure Magazine, Canada, have had included Totihue Chapel as one of the 10 Best Cultural Buildings of 2016.
Archmarathon 2017
The Totihue Chapel has been awarded with the Archmarathon 2017 Re-Thinking First Prize.
Mies Crown Hall American Prize Nomination
The Lo Barnechea City Hall has been nominated for the Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize MCHAP 2016 – 2018.
Prix Versailles 2018 Continental Award, France
Porcelanosa Santiago Store has been awarded with the Prix Versailles 2018, Continental Special Prize for an exterior, Shops Category. The world winners will be deliberated on May during the ceremony at the UNESCO headquarters.
Red – Architecture in Monochrome – UK
Light Box Pavilion in the Red Book – Architecture in monochrome, Phaidon UK.
Religious Art and Architecture Awards Exhibition
If you are going to be at the AIA Conference on Architecture 2017 in Orlando, Florida, you can have the chance to visit the 2016 Religious Art and Architecture Awards exhibition. There, our project Totihue Chapel, which was awarded with the 2016 Faith & Form/IFRAA New Facilities Awards, will be showcased in a gallery of award recipients at the Orange County Convention Center from April 26 to the 29th, 2017.
8° Barbara Capocchin International Architecture Biennial
The Totihue Chapel has been selected to participate in the Barbara Cappochin Biennale Internazionale di Architettura, Padova, Italia.
XVI Buenos Aires International Biennial
Totihue Chapel has been selected to participate to the XVI International Architecture Biennial in Buenos Aires.
Totihue Chapel in XIII Costa Rica Biennial
Totihue Chapel has been exhibited in the XIII Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura de Costa Rica 2016.
World Architecture Festival 2016
Totihue Chapel has been finalist in the WAF World Architecture Festival 2016, Religion Category. The Festival will be held in Berlin from the 16 – 18 November.
SFA Société Française des Architectes Lecture
Gonzalo Mardones lecture at SFA Société Française des Architectes, Paris.
XIX Bienal De Arquitectura / Centro De Las Tradiciones
The Lo Barneceha ‘Centro de las Tradiciones’ has been selected to be part of the XIX Chilean Architecture Biennial in Valparaiso.
Finalists in Beyond Building Award in Barcelona – Construmat 2015
The project Cultural Center and Theatre in Vitacura has been selected as a finalist for the Beyond Building Awards in Barcelona Construmat 2015 in the ‘Innovative Project’ category.
Conference in El Salvador
Gonzalo Mardones will give a conference on the 18th of June 2015 at the Architecture School of Dr. José Matías Delgado University in El Salvador.
Edificio Terraza in Buenos Aires Biennial
Terraza Offices will be exhibited XV Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura de Buenos Aires, Argentina 2015.
Next Landmark Contest Milano 2015
Casa MO has been included in the Top 10 Finalists of the Next Landmark Contest, Milano 2015.
Ri.U.So 04 Bologna 2015
Traditions Centre has been finalist of the RI.U.SO 04 Rigenerazione Urbana Sostenibile Contest, promoted by CNAPPC Consiglio Nazionale Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori, Italy.
Concurso Papudo Competition Jury
Gonzalo Mardones V. has been Jury Member of the Papudo City Hall Contest.
8° Arquitectura Enmateria Meeting
Gonzalo Mardones participated in the 8° Architecture Meeting ‘Cumbre Norte’ in Antofagasta
Gonzalo Mardones Named Honorary Fellow of Aia
Gonzalo Mardones has been named Honorary Fellow of the American Institute of Architects AIA. The programme recognizes the achievements of architects as individuals, but also elevates before the global public and the profession, model architects who have significantly contributed to the profession on an international level. The 2016 Fellows will be honored at an investiture ceremony at the AIA Convention in Philadelphia in May.
Next Landmark 2014
House for Marcelo Rios is finalist in Next Landmark Contest 2014, Venice, Italy.
Americas Property Awards 2014
Hotel Hornitos won the Best Hotel Architecture award, also Marcelo Ríos House won the Highly Commended Single Residence award. Both recognitions were obtained in the Americas Property Awards.
AIS Totihue Chapel Inauguration
The new Totihue Chapel has been inaugurated, projected in collaboration with AIS Chile. In the picture, Priest Ivan Guajardo gives Gonzalo Mardones a drawing by Rafaelito, a boy of Totihue.
Award TodoObras 2014
Gonzalo Mardones has been part of the jury of the TodoObras Award 2014, which has been won by the architect Felipe Alarcón Carreño. The main argument of the competition was the design of a sustainable house.
Clapes UC Council
Gonzalo Mardones has been invited to be part of the National Council of the CLAPES UC of Latin-America to discuss about Social and Economical Politics.
Enmateria Cumbre Sur 2 Meeting
Gonzalo Mardones will participate in the Enmateria Cumbre Sur 2 Meeting.
Gonzalo Mardones New Monography
ZC ediciones published Gonzalo Mardones V Monography. The book, with an introduction by Astrid Ljungmann and a prologue by the Architect Fernando Montes, contains information about 15 actual projects.
IX Biau Bienal Iberoamericana – Hotel Hornitos
The organization of the IX BIAU, the Ibero-American Architecture Biennial 2014 in Rosario, announced the 15 projects, which will represent Chile in the event. Gonzalo Mardones V. will participate with Hotel Hornitos.